My Best Friend Blog Posts

Importance of Socialization and What is it?

Pups and adult dogs require knowledge of their surroundings, surroundings they will be in potentially, people they will be asked to welcome, dogs, and lots of other unforeseen things.

For example:

Can you clip your pups nails? Brush them or get a sticker out of a paw without drama? How about take their temperature or express their anal glands or brush their teeth?

What happens when aunt Susie wants to come over and bring her dog? If your dog has never had another dog inside the house, they may be territorial over the home, you, their bowls, bones, bed or their toys. What happens when you are single, sharing your bed with a dog and get a new significant other who will stay the night? What about nieces nephews or a grandchild? What if you are incapacitated and need assistance? It is easy to justify a protective dogs behavior, but what about when it is unwanted? What if grandma is fearful of dogs and your dog wants to jump up, or worse, senses her fear and wants to be aggressive?

What happens when you are off to a cafe with friends, and have your dog along? Can you join them? Can your pup settle in public, not bark at or jump on the server approaching the table, or not beg from friends?

What happens when you are off leash at the beach and someone comes by with a leashed but aggressive dog? There is a leash law and the leashed aggressive dog has every right to be there if under its owners control, but now your pup is running up on it to play… what can you do?

What about trash truck noises and stuff blowing in the wind that might spook your pup?

What about inside the car behavior, sitting still while driving, not getting car sick? Behaving at the vet for exam or groomer for services?

Fireworks? What will you do? New baby coming?

This is what all the “hub bub” is regarding socialization and preparation, it is much easier done when the pup doesn’t have baggage already. It is great if you can start at 3 months old! It can still be done once they are grown, but is much easier if you lay the ground work as soon as possible! Fear imprint periods are in play with pups and what is horribly scary one minute will be no big deal the next, you just need to work through it.

Some dogs are genetically bold and bullet proof, others fearful and nervous, all personalities in between.. .that is the way the approach the world but you can help them be more confident, or defer to you when needed, or just be in your control for the super outgoing… it is all about training and timing. Please don’t go out on your own and try to do to much at once, you’ll send pup opposite the direction you intend! Little by little!

While of course you can train your own dog, people have had dogs for hundreds and years, my parents never needed help training… blah, blah, blah… we say the same about children. But, is that the best you can do? Would you be happy with the best you can do on your own with your kids education? I want a better relationship and ability to understand, bond and go places with my dog! I want her to be flexible with my life choices for family, kids, guests and change! How about you! Let’s get started… call us at 818 996 3647!